

Stan Douglas 史丹.道格拉斯
Every Building on 100 West Hastings photograph
西黑斯汀街100號的每一棟建築 攝影


史丹.道格拉斯出生於加拿大溫哥華(1960~ ),畢業於艾米利卡爾藝術學院。他的作品採用複雜的電影與電視語言探索社會的歷史。道格拉斯關心的主題是西方進步思想-特別是烏托邦哲學-對社會所造成之政治與經濟的撩撥效果。他挑戰電影和錄像結構的可能性,加上細緻圓熟的敘事手法,創造出一件又一件具有原創性的當代藝術作品。這些特點可在他於全世界各大美術館的展覽看出來,其中包括第九、十、十一屆德國文件大展(卡塞爾)、威尼斯雙年展、泰德現代美術館(倫敦)、聖保羅雙年展、舍本汀美術館(倫敦)、芝加哥美術館、迪亞藝術中心(紐約)、渥克藝術中心(明尼阿波里)與畢爾包古根漢美術館。

Stan Douglas
Stan Douglas was born in Vancouver, British Columbia and educated at the Emily Carr College of Art. His work explores social histories played out through a complex cinematic and televisual language. His interest in the social implementation of Western ideas of progress, particularly utopian philosophies, is located in their often divisive political and economic effects. His interrogation of the structural possibilities of film and video, in concert with intricately developed narratives, has resulted in a number of groundbreaking contemporary art works. These have been included in exhibitions around the globe, including Documenta IX, X and XI (Kassel), Venice Biennale, Tate Modern (London), Sao Paolo Biennale, Serpentine Gallery (London), Art Institute of Chicago, DIA Center for the Arts (New York), Walker Art Center (Minneapolis), and Guggenheim Bilbao.
