


Yuan Goang-Ming 袁廣鳴
City Disqualified video projection
城市失格 數位投影

袁廣鳴生於台灣台北(1965~ ),是早期台灣錄影藝術的先鋒,也是目前台灣活躍於國際媒體藝術界中最知名的藝術家之一。1986年開始從事錄影藝術創作,1997年得到德國卡斯魯造型藝術學院媒體藝術碩士學位。他的作品以象徵隱喻、結合科技媒材的手法,深刻傳達出人們當下的生存狀態,並且對人的心靈及意識有深入的探索。1992年的錄影投射裝置作品《盤中魚》展出後,隨即獲得台灣藝術圈高度肯定,1998年的互動錄影投射裝置作品《難眠的理由》更使他得到國際觀眾的注意,至今,這兩件作品一直不斷受邀在世界各地展出。2000年袁廣鳴獲得台灣宏碁數位藝術中心舉辦的第一屆數位藝術紀的評審委員獎,同年於日本福岡MOMA畫廊舉辦個展。2001年參與於柏林和紐約舉辦的「轉譯的行為」展出,和參與舊金山現代美術館舉辦的多媒體重量級大展:「010101:科技時代的藝術」,2002年參與台北雙年展,同年受邀韓國三個雙年展:2002光州雙年展、浦山雙年展、漢城媒體城市雙年展,2003年數位攝影作品《城市失格》及光動力裝置《人間失格》代表台灣參加第五十屆威尼斯雙年展(台灣館)。

Yuan Goang-Ming

Born in Taipei in 1965, Yuan Goang-Ming was a pioneer of video art in Taiwan. He is now one of the foremost Taiwanese artists active in international media art. He started working with video in 1986. In 1997, he received a Master’s degree in media art from the Academy of Design, Karlsruhe. Combining symbolic metaphors with technological media, his work eloquently expresses the state of contemporary existence and profoundly explores the human mind and consciousness. In 1992, his work Fish on a Dish was shown to great acclaim in Taiwanese art circles, while The Reason for Insomnia (1998) captured the attention of international audiences. These two works are still being exhibited around the world. In 2000, Yuan Goang-Ming was awarded the Jury Prize of the 1st Art future 2000 by the Acer Digital Art Center. In the same year, he held a solo exhibition at MOMA Contemporary in Fukuoka, Japan. In 2001, he took part in the exhibition “Translated Acts” held in Berlin and New York, as well as in “010101: Art in Technological Times” held at the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art. In 2002, he participated in the Taipei Biennial, and was invited to three biennials in South Korea: the Kwangju Biennial, the Pusan Biennial as well as the Media City Seoul. In 2003, his digital photography series City Disqualified and light kinetic installation Human Disqualified represented Taiwan in the 50th Venice Biennale (Taiwan Pavilion).
